Internet of Things is completely revolutionising the supply chain and fleet management systems. IoT’s role in fleet management makes fleet operations safer, cleaner, more cost effective.

The smart fleet management solutions make use of wireless connectivity to collect data from specific sensors and devices embedded in the vehicles and extract insights to improve the fuel efficiency, route optimisation, driver performance, estimated time of arrival and vehicle maintenance. 

What you gain from Smart Fleet Solution?

IoT-led fleet management has numerous benefits:

1. Real time fleet visibility.

Track and locate vehicles in transit, and get current vehicle onboard sensor data.

2.Vehicle Maintenance.  

The data sent from the sensors in vehicles can be used to detect faults or predict possible failure so that timely resolution of the vehicle problem can be carried out.

3. Driver Behaviour. 

Beyond tracking time and physical location with traditional GPS technology, some IoT devices can monitor things such as a driver’s braking habits or how frequently they are drifting out of their lane.

4. Fuel Efficiency. Depending on the driver behaviour and road conditions the fuel efficiency is affected. The data collected from sensors like trucks idling time, rate of acceleration and deceleration can be used to track fuel efficiency.

The data collected by these sensors is automatically uploaded to the cloud, where it can then be converted into useful analytics with fleet management software. 

How it Works

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What is Telematics system?

Telematics systems provide with actionable information, which in turn helps to increase the productivity of the fleet. Telematics software is software, most notably used in vehicles, which allows for the communication between an electronic device and other devices (or human users) over a network. Telematics software merges telecommunications with informatics, thus the name telematics.

Features of Telematics systems

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Applicable Industries

Private Automotive

Government Fleets

Warehouse and Logistics

Equipment and Machinery


Smart Fleet management is an administrative approach that allows companies to organise and coordinate work vehicles with the aim to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and provide compliance with government regulations.